My first post

Autumn scenery of Nami Island, South Korea (photo by me)
Autumn scenery of Nami Island, South Korea (photo by me)

Welcome to my spot on the internet! 🎉

Since my frist “Hello World” program, I always want to build my own personal portfolio. In fact, I attempted it several times, but they all ended up never be launched.

Yeah, it took longer than expected, and the road was filled with detours, but here we are.

So, what took me so long?

Well, you know — life, work and if I’ve being honest…I’m a lazy man.

Why now?

”Better late than never”, they say. I’d loved learning new things, and building stuff. It’s my way of keeping up with the latest tech trends and giving things a spin before using them in my job.

This site is mainly my way of jotting down what I’m learning and showing off the cool things I’m building.

f you’ve randomly landed here, thanks a bunch for stopping by. Hope you find something useful or at least mildly interesting!

Stay curious, keep coding, and enjoy the journey.